Refreshing Renovations appreciates well-informed clients. Below is a quick list of important Basement facts.

  • A complete basement finish is one of the largest projects a home owner can embark upon. The entire process from initial inquiry to completion may take upwards of 4 months.

  • A half- basement finish is roughly $20,000-$40,000.

  • A full-basement finish is roughly $40,000-$80,000.

  • Basement finish costs are greatly effected by additional plumbing, electrical and HVAC. 

  • Prior rough plumbing is not necessary in a basement to add a bathroom, but will add significant cost.

  • Drawings/ plans are not always necessary for a basement build-out, but are always a good option and should be sought when possible.​

  • Common ceilings are drop-panels, drywall or painted.

  • Waterproof flooring such as vinyl plank or tile are ideal.